Pitstop is the ultimate motor racing strategy game
for Psion and Symbian platforms. You're put in charge of a Formula 1 Grand Prix
team. Starting off with a new car, sponsorship and two keen drivers, your task
is to develop the car, keep staff and sponsors happy, balance the books and,
most of all, win championship points and prize money!
If you're looking for an arcade driving game that you can
play in odd minutes, this is not for you. If, on the other hand, you're a fan
of Grand Prix motor racing and would love to play out races and generally get
involved in an extremely accurate simulation, then Pitstop is just the
For the Nokia 9500/9300 communicators
You can download v2.33 of Pitstop here as
pitstop_9500.sis (249k). Note the extensive
help within the program, you'll need it. Motor racing is a complicated
business! This installation contains the 2005 team and driver databases, though
see the notes at the top of the help file. Also, note that this version has no
sound effects, due to continuing technical issues. v2.33 includes a fix for the program working at proper speed on
ALL non-English units;Update, v2.32 fixes a problem with speed on French and
Dutch machines; Bug fix: v2.31 fixes a problem with the 'Fast forward' mode
If you haven't already done so, you'll also need to
install the OPL
runtime, which gives your communicator the ability to run games and
applications written in the OPL language. You'll also need the extra
MediaServer OPX. Please get feedback and
reports of any bugs to me as soon as possible!
Please contact me as soon as
possible with any bug reports or comments. As ever, the program's fully working
shareware, but registered owners do get the chance to customise the team and
driver names.
For the Nokia 9200 series communicators
You can download v2.33 of Pitstop here as
pitstop_9210.sis (426k). Note the extensive
help within the program, you'll need it. Motor racing is a complicated
business! This installation contains the 2005 team and driver databases, though
see the notes at the top of the help file. v2.33 includes a fix for the program working at proper speed on
ALL non-English units;Update, v2.32 fixes a problem with speed on French and
Dutch machines; Bug fix: v2.31 fixes a problem with the 'Fast forward' mode
I've also done a detailed User Guide (pitstopguide.pdf, 280K) to the game.
If you haven't already done so, you'll also need to
install the OPL Runtime
patch, which gives your communicator the ability to run games and
applications written in the OPL language. You'll also need the extra
MediaServer OPX. Please get feedback and
reports of any bugs to me as soon as possible! As
ever, the program's fully working shareware, but registered owners do get the
chance to customise the team and driver names.
For the Psion Revo
You can download Pitstop v2.01 for the Psion Revo range
here as (410k). Once grabbed
and unzipped, please read my README.TXT file if you're
unsure about installing software on the Revo.
Note that Pitstop for Psion Revo still uses the pre-2003
'three hot laps each' qualifying system. v2.01 also contains a trivial fix to
the SIS file (v2.00 reported itself in Control panel as 'Piano'!).
Herewith the Year 2005
team and driver update databases (thanks to Philip Carlisle) for Pitstop.
Just put the two .dbf files in your main \System\Apps\Pitstop folder,
overwriting the previous ones.
For the Psion Series 5/5mx
The Series 5/5mx original version (largely similar
gameplay, although Pitstop does contain a number of detailed improvements) was
licensed commercially to Psion Computers for their Series 5 Games Arcade but is
now available direct from me. Each game is pitched
for the slower Series 5 'classic' processor, but you can download
patches here to get them to play properly on the
faster Series 5mx etc.
Note that Team Psion still uses the pre-2003 'three hot
laps each' qualifying system.
Herewith the Year 2005
team and driver update databases (thanks to Philip Carlisle) for Team
Psion. Just put the two .dbf files in your main \System\Apps\TeamPsion folder,
overwriting the previous ones.
From the review by
John Woodthorpe: "It's
frustrating, enjoyable, difficult and great fun. Definitely the star of the
pack for me!"
Registering Pitstop
Please register using a cheque,
PayPal or your credit-card on-line on the web.