Psi-Mapper (or just 'Mapper') is a project for Psion
palmtops and Symbian smartphones. The Psion version has been on hold since
1999, but there's now a new version for Symbian UIQ smartphones like the Sony
Ericsson P800 and P900 and one for the Nokia Communicators (9210/9500/9300).
What is it?
Mapper is a Geographical Information System (GIS), with
basic maps and systems of overlays which can be browsed around and searched.
Importantly for use on a handheld, the use of vector overlays throughout
(hardly a bitmap in sight) means that it's extremely frugal with your precious
memory and disk space. A typical installation would be only a few hundred
kilobytes, with a similar amount needed for the running program in RAM.
What about other countries?
The Psion version is available for several countries (and
languages), with hard-won data sets produced by myself and a couple of other
enthusiasts. The Symbian UIQ and Series 80 versions are a new venture. In
theory, it's quite possible to open the application out in the same way as the
Psion one, but this will depend on the support I get in terms of registrations
and practical help with digitising.
Is it freeware or shareware?
Mapper has variously been both at different stages of
development. The Psion version went freeware a long time ago, as I felt I'd
been rewarded sufficiently for my efforts and I wanted to give something back
to the EPOC community.
The new Symbian versions have been quite a lot of work to
produce and are currently (fully working) shareware. See my
registration page for ways to register.
What can Mapper do?
With the appropriate country broken down onto a 1000 by
1000 grid (in the UK's case, this is simply a sub-set of the National Grid), up
to 1000 towns and all motorways and primary routes, dozens of overlays of
interest (from airfields to radio stations, from castles to theme parks, from
islands to mazes, from lifeboat stations to zoos), you can draw a map with any
centre, add in roads or railways or county boundaries, overlay points of
interest, perform distance calculations, search for specific information, and
much, much more...
What can Mapper not do?
It can't perform automatic route finding or voice
navigation, in the manner of the excellent TomTom products for all handheld
computing platforms. Mapper isn't meant to compete with the likes of CityMaps
or Navigator. Mapper is a GIS, implying huge amounts of geographical
information, presented efficiently and quickly.
Mapper/GB for Nokia Series 80 (e.g. the Nokia 9210, 9300
and 9500 Communicators)
Version 7.3 is available here as
mappergb_s80_73.sis (260k). New for
v7.3 are nine overlays pertaining to ancient Britain (prehistoric/roman/pictish
sites, etc.)
When installing
OPL programs onto the Nokia 9300 and Nokia 9500, you'll probably get the
standard 'This application may not be compatible' warning. This is, of course,
rubbish, and can safely be ignored. |
If you haven't already done so, you'll also need to
install the small OPL Runtime patch (9300/9500 version
here) (9210 version
here), which gives your smartphone the ability to run games and
applications written in the OPL language.
Comments and suggestions concerning the functionality and
data sets would be welcome.
Do you want to register
Mapper/GB for Symbian smartphones now?
Mapper/GB for Symbian UIQ (e.g. the P800 and P900
Version 7.1 is available here as (200k). Once grabbed
and unzipped, please read my README.TXT file to
help you install the program and to guide you through other issues. Note that
due to screen and menu size limitations, the UIQ version has slightly fewer
functions than the traditional Psion and Communicator versions. Changes from v7.0 to v7.1: Fixed missing version
number, fixed shutdown error, fixed road colour problem, fixed half a dozen
small cosmetic and functional problems. Please be patient when installing new
version - the UIQ removal of the previous version takes around 30 seconds
If you haven't already done so, you'll also need to
install the OPL Runtime
patch, which gives your smartphone the ability to run games and
applications written in the OPL language.
Please get feedback and reports of any bugs
to me as soon as possible. Remember, this is early
days for the UIQ version and there's some functionality not yet ported from the
Psion app. Comments and suggestions concerning the data sets would also be
Do you want to register
Mapper/GB for Symbian smartphones now?
Psi-Mapper/GB v6.2 for Psion Revo/Series 5/5mx, etc.
v6.2 is available here as (~309k), and unzips to a standard
.SIS install file. If, after the dozens of overlays
included in the main program, you're desperate for yet more, here are a few
extra bits and pieces. All unzipped files should simply be put into an
\System\Apps\MapperGB folder and the overlay names and descriptions added as
appropriate to your Overlays.idx index file.
Psi-Mapper/GB v6.0 for Psion 3a/c/mx
To download v6.0, right-click here ( (356k) and
choose "Save as" or similar.
Mapper-Si/GB v1.1 for Psion Siena
Here it is: (83k),
released 17th October 1996.
Psi-Mapper/London 3.1 for Psion Series 5/5mx
Here is v3.1, available as (126k).
Covering 900 places across the capital, with road data
down to B road level (and below, in some places), with all the usual Psi-Mapper
distancing functions.
Psi-Mapper/London v2.2 for Psion 3a/c/mx
Download the last version here as (126k)
Based upon the Ordnance Survey map with permission of
The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, (C) Crown Copyright MC
Psi-Mapper/Ireland v2.2 for Series 5/5mx
Freeware. Download it here as (98k)
Psi-Mapper/Ireland v2.0 for Series 3a/3c/3mx
The full distribution of Psi-Mapper/Ireland v2.0 is now
available (112k).
Psi-Mapper/France for Series 3a/3c/3mx
For an english version of this bit, page down!
Le 21 avril 1997. Si vous avez une Psion Serie 3a ou 3c,
v1.1 de Psi-Mapper/France est disponible ici
Prière de dézipper avec l'option "Include
folders/directories" pour obtenir la structure des répertoires \APP\,
\DAT\ et \OPO\ en vue d'une copie directe de l'arborescence sur votre PSION.
Il y a aussi un 'Plus-Pack' (57k) avec de tas de bases de
donnés d'information et plus de calques.
Please don't be put off by the fact that the program is
in french, you really don't need many words to be able to use it, especially if
you've used the GB or Irish versions previously. Adding to your school french
will serve you in good stead when actually visiting France!
April 21st 1997. For the Psion Series 3a and 3c, v1.1 of
Psi-Mapper/France is available here (100k).
Please unzip the ZIP file with the "Include
folders/directories" option turned ON, to obtain a directory structure with
\APP\, \DAT\ et \OPO\ directories visible. Each directory can then be copied
straight onto the root directory of a Psion disk.
There's also a Plus-Pack
(57k) of extra databases and an extra overlay.
Other countries
There's also a version for Australia at . |