The text list below shows what's available in the folder on the CD in this category. Note that there may be additional items on the CD that are not mentioned in the list. These will have arrived in the last few days before the CD was mastered. Note also that the list quotes the original author ZIP file names for your reference. In the corresponding folders, we've unzipped them all, to save you time.
Minimise this browser window when ready and then use PsiWin/Explorer, PsiMac, WinLink or any other Psion communications utility to browse the folder structure of the CD and copy the program files onto your palmtop.Note that Windows may set all files taken from this CD to 'read-only'. If this causes a problem for you or for a particular program, just use the "File attributes" command to remove this attribute.
8086 - Database of 8086 op codes AALARMA - services detailed ADDBT200 - utility to add PIC files together into a multiple file ALAWDOC - sound format ALIASES - Text info on aliases APPMAN - Low-level event interface ASCII - table utility BASECONV - Base conversion utility BEEPOFF - Capturing the power-off event example CHARSET - ASCII character set, cross-referenced CHKV103 - Variable analyser CLNOPL13 - 3a utility to 'clean up' untidy OPL code COMPRE - OPL code to compress data files CREF - C reference database DBS_100 - OPL/C database server info, code & utilities DIALGOPL - OPL extensions for more capable dialogs DIGITAL - Programming example of digital sound processing DRAWBIT - Example of direct loading of bitmaps DUMP3A - Hex editor and calculator EB - Edit Box code for OPL (interfaces with ROM routines) EMBED - OPL to embed pictures in .OPA file itself FAQPROG - Frequently Asked Questions on OPL programming FAQSERIA - Frequently Asked Questions on Serial comms FINDCITY - OPL example of querying the WLD driver GETEVA - Examples of Event handling and much more GREYDM16 - Example of doing 16 grey scales on 3a GTLIB - library of compiled routines for use in OPL HEAPSORT - Example code to do heap sorting HELPKIT1 - Neat way into the built-in help engine HEXBIN - Hex/Decimal/Binary converter HEXED - Edit binary/hex ICON - pages of professional icons (view them in a painting package and cut out from there) IPC - inter-process comms JBSORTB - C-written callable code to do fast, intelligent sorting LAYOUT - OPL layout tool LIB24 - for modular programming system LINT - OPL syntax/variable checker (runs under DOS) LONGLIST - Construct dialog choices > 255 chars LPCS - server for OPL (experts only) MOREICON - icons for programming use MOUSE - serial mouse on Psion? NAGMAKER - Utility to build random Nag screens into your programs NEWICON2 - icons from OPA files OLH - Help system compiler for OPL, including example code OPASKEL3 - Complete type 3 OPL example skeleton OPLEXAMP - *** A *vast* *unsorted* treasure trove of assorted small OPL examples and fragments! Code, format and hints. Every topic imaginable. Unsorted, but plenty that will come in handy one day. *** OPLPROT - Text file for OPL authors telling of anti-REVTRAN package OPLREF - Almost the entire OPL manual in DBF format! OPP - Professional OPL pre-processor (use DEFINEs, create large OPAs etc, runs on Psion OR a PC), development and debugging environment OPPDOS - DOS version of OPP above OSCALLS - List of some extended OS calls from OPL PICTOOPL - Convert PICs to self-constructing ASCII PSIDBF - Basic custom controls etc for Psion DBF files PSIONICS - The complete Psionics file format/Psion secrets reference guides - updated April 1996 RMN1_0 - Reverse-me-not utility RMREVENT - Example event-driven skeleton app RVTRN42 - OPL Reverse Translator for SIBO S3AICONS - icons for use with new programs S3C111 - Small C compiler for 3 and 3a, makes IMG files S3FORMAT - formatting SSDs S3FRAM - Event-handling framework S3PANIC - PANIC error code database S3SYS - Overview of S3 series software internals SAFEOPL20 - Protects OPL programs from reverse translation SEGMENTS - OPL code to handle memory segments SETUPV10 - Example application setup utility SOUND3A - on sound drivers SPEED - tips on improving program speed SPKCNTRL - Programming the speaker driver SPRFILES - Structure of SPR files documented SPRITEC - Example of advanced Sprite handling SUNOPL - calculate sunrise/set etc. TOSHELL - Bring System shell to foreground TSMP10 - use the sampling device driver TUNE - example of polyphonic tune playing from OPL TWINOPL - Example of twin-mode (3 and 3a) OPAs USERFIX2 - addendum to S3 user manual? WLD - Access World functions from OPL and C WLDLATLN - to get lat/long from WORLD WORDFILE - WRD file format documented
Note: some program authors included folder information within their ZIP files, we've used this where available for your extra convenience in working out which file goes where...