3-Lib library

\Library\S3misc - 3a/c/mx Miscellaneous applications

The text list below shows what's available in the folder on the CD in this category. Note that there may be additional items on the CD that are not mentioned in the list. These will have arrived in the last few days before the CD was mastered. Note also that the list quotes the original author ZIP file names and dates, for your reference. In the corresponding folders, we've unzipped them all, to save you time.

Minimise this browser window when ready and then use PsiWin/Explorer, PsiMac, WinLink or any other Psion communications utility to browse the folder structure of the CD and copy the program files onto your palmtop. Note that Windows may set all files taken from this CD to 'read-only'. If this causes a problem for you or for a particular program, just use the "File attributes" command to remove this attribute.

ACRONYMS   13/04/96 Database of shorthand acronyms from the 'net
BUSSUITE   14/08/99 Integrated stock control/contact management/expenses/communications suite for the small business
CDS        04/06/96 Freeware CD manager
CMPS10     01/08/95 Solar Compass
DART110F   15/04/97 Darts scoring calculator
DECIDE13   29/10/97 Decision making helper
DTIME401   29/02/00 DiveTime diver's aid
F11V310    24/04/97 Typing assistant/utilities for WORD, DATA, AGENDA etc
FMAN143    03/03/97 Facilities/resource Management
GRN2C      10/03/99 Structured note-taker, with attachments
JWBOX      06/01/96 MACSYS macro set that allow line graphics character-drawing in WORD
LIFEGUI3   01/04/97 Bible guide for life
MACSYS     17/11/94 Flexible macro system (some programming knowledge needed?)
MOC20      02/02/95 3/3a Master of Ceremonies scheduler
PLAN       30/05/99 Project management package, GANTT and PERT charts and everything.
PSCORE     27/06/00 The cricket scoreboard system
PSIGIFT    10/10/98 Motivational Gifts tester (good, but fairly long) for Christians
REPPO303   02/10/97 Report-writing/mail merging shareware
RES100     14/11/96 Resistor decoder/encoder/viewer
S3TRIV19   14/04/98 Trivia database
SLIST111   27/01/97 Comprehensive Shopping List manager/planner
SOLUN41D   30/05/99 Planetarium, calculations, displays
STOCKIT    11/03/99 Stock control and pricing system
TOPIX11D   17/01/97 Ideas Organiser/Outliner - text outlines, with SHEET, DATA and WRD links
VIDEO101   20/01/00 Video database system
WEB        05/08/99 Hypertext graphics and animation?

Note: some program authors included folder information within their ZIP files, we've used this where available for your extra convenience in working out which file goes where...

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