3-Lib library

\Library\S3mapping - 3a/c/mx Mapping and navigation applications

The text list below shows what's available in the folder on the CD in this category. Note that there may be additional items on the CD that are not mentioned in the list. These will have arrived in the last few days before the CD was mastered. Note also that the list quotes the original author ZIP file names and dates, for your reference. In the corresponding folders, we've unzipped them all, to save you time.

Minimise this browser window when ready and then use PsiWin/Explorer, PsiMac, WinLink or any other Psion communications utility to browse the folder structure of the CD and copy the program files onto your palmtop. Note that Windows may set all files taken from this CD to 'read-only'. If this causes a problem for you or for a particular program, just use the "File attributes" command to remove this attribute.

AGPS21       24/04/97 GPS add-on for Autoroute/AutoMap to convert into moving-map
AROV9702     20/03/97 Amateur radio overlays for Psi-Mapper/GB
COMRADIO     24/11/96 Extra overlays for Psi-Mapper detailing Commercial radio stations
DATMAP20     23/06/99 Map annotating utility
GARPS24E     09/06/99 Garmin GPS to Psion connection suite (english)
GARPS24F     09/06/99 Garmin GPS to Psion connection suite (french)
MAP3GB60     14/09/98 Great Britain Psi-Mapper program, data, overlays, town plans etc.
MAPF11                Psi-Mapper/France mapping system (in french, includes France, Belgium, Lux)
MAPFPLUS              Plus pack of extra info for Psi-Mapper/France
MAPI20       08/07/97 Psi-Mapper/Ireland - towns, roads, railways, peaks, airports and much more
MAPL22                Psi-Mapper/London mapping system for Greater London
ROADTRIP     28/02/00 Road Trip journey aid, with digital sound
SUBW1A       01/01/97 London Underground route-finder

Note: some program authors included folder information within their ZIP files, we've used this where available for your extra convenience in working out which file goes where...

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