3-Lib library

\Psiwin - PsiWin and miscellaneous patches/kits/emulators

The text list below shows what's available in the folder on the CD in this category.

psiwin233english.exe          PsiWin 2.3.3 - the last and best version for all Psion palmtops under 32-bit Windows.
contacts5mx                         Contacts Synchronization Update
mcupdt11                            5mx Mobile Connectivity Update 1.1
program                             OPL editor for the Psion Revo range
Psion_MacConnect_Installer(.zip)    MacConnect, for connecting up to Apple Macs. Left zipped on purpose, to preserve Mac file types!
psiwin11                            PsiWin 1.1 Millennium edition - the last great version for Windows 3.1 and the Series 3 range
emulatorER5                         ER5 (EPOC Release 5) OPL SDK (aka the Series 5mx emulator, runs under Windows

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