3-Lib library

\Library\epocvault - The EPOC/Series 5 vault!

Yep. Everything that isn't in the other sections is right here.

I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the descriptions of files in this 'vault' section, or for the performance (or non-performance) of the programs themselves.

Here's the complete file list:

The EPOC/Series 5 'vault'
Series 5 items are in this area because they are either outdated,
over-crippled, too large, too specialist or just not very good...
Please don't be offended if your program is in this category, and feel
free to get in touch if you need to know why *your* program is in the 'vault'.

Note that this area also contains upgrades to commercial products, released by
the appropriate software houses. It goes without saying that you need to have
the full, original product installed for the upgrades to work.

3D           - 3D engine demo
5FACTORS     - Prime number calculator
5PIC         - .PIC to .MBM picture converter
AGENDASYNC   - Agenda-tie-in for the commercial Notepad deluxe
AIR-ACC      - Air accident database
ALOG15       - Anaesthetist's logbook
AOBRCPZ      - Simple boat puzzle (english/italian)
AOCARPZ      - Simple car puzzle (english/italian)
AOGR         - Simple strategy game (english/italian)
AONIM        - Simple NIM game (english/italian)
AONONO       - Simple nonogram game (english/italian)
AOPM         - Simple game (english/italian)
AOVORTEX     - Simple game (english/italian)
ARCLINK5     - ACORN RISC OS file linker
AVCHECK      - Aviator's Cessna checklist
AVI-JOKE     - Aviation-related jokes database
AVWT&BL      - Aviation Weight/Balance calculator
AZERTY	      - Emulator utility to aid people with french keyboards
BG           - Battery Gauge mini-app
BIGCOLF      - Demo version of Palmtop BV English-French dictionary
BIGCOLG      - Demo version of Palmtop BV English-German dictionary
BIGCOLI      - Demo version of Palmtop BV English-Italian dictionary
BIGF14       - 1.4 Upgrade to Palmtop BV French dictionary
BIGG14       - 1.4 Upgrade to Palmtop BV Spanish dictionary
BIGI14       - 1.4 Upgrade to Palmtop BV Italian dictionary
BOXES        - Box-completing game
BUSYB        - Kludge for measuring processor busy-ness
CALIOPE      - Simple piano octave keys
CAT          - Running Cat novelty
CELSIUS      - Temperature conversion utility
CENTILES_S5  - Centiles calculator for the doctors surgery
CHANNEL      - UHF channel to frequency converter
CHARTNOTE    - Doctor-patient note-taking aid
CINEFAN3     - Demo of large cinema guide text
COMMANDER    - File manager and utility shell
COMPACT      - Database compactor
COMPRESSDB   - Agenda and Database compressor
CONCPT11     - Ideas mapping aid
CONVERT5     - Units conversion tool
CYCLES       - Light cycles game
DBOTHMA      - Anatomical databases
DBUPDATE     - Update for PsiWin 2.1,2.2 or 2.3 to fix Y2K problems with dBase file conversions
DIABETESMANAGER - As the name suggests, aimed to help diabetics
DIC          - Dictionary application?
DIRPRINT     - Displays file lists, with a filter if needed
DISKBENCH11  - CF disk speed tester
DIVEPLAN     - Dive planner
DR5          - BNF Drugs database
DRIVEMAP5    - Map virtual disk drives to specific folders
EMS115       - Update patch for Email Synchronisation from Psion
ENCR122D     - German version of Encrypt
EPTABLE      - Periodic table reference
ERICSSON     - Acrobat file detailing S5 to Ericsson IRDA comms
EX140        - Upgrade to Palmtop BV Expense Manager (commercial)
EZBANK       - Simple bank account manager
EZBANKREVO   - Simple bank account manager (revo version)
EZIPM        - Java utility???
EZPAEDZ      - Paedeatric helper for medics
FIN140       - Upgrade to Palmtop BV's Financial Calculator
FLFINGER     - TCP/IP 'finger' utility
FLIGHT       - Demo version of commercial Flight Manager
FLIP         - Tile-flipping game
FLTPLAN      - Aviator's Flight Plan template
FLYS5        - Flying utilities
FMAT_1_02DEMO - demo materials database
FORMATDB     - Win 3.1 utility to format text files for S5 Data import
FPLOT10B     - Simple function plotter (eng/german)
FPLOT5       - Another simple function plotter
FRED5        - Virtual pet
FREESPACE    - Quick look at free space available on all disks
FRIEND3111   - Friend Indeed medical logging utility
FTPSERVER    - Run a FTP server on your Psion! Mainly used for alternative direct connection to Windows.
GARMEPOC     - GPS utility for Garmin GPSes
GEN5         - French-language genealogy program
GIPSI04      - GPS utility for Lowrance GPSes
GPS          - 2001 Patch for Palmtop Software GPS module, as included in Route Planner etc.
GRAVE_RO     - Text adventure game
GUNSHOT5     - Gun shot novelty
HANG5        - Hangman game template
HECATRIS     - Sideways tetris clone
HERMES03A    - VT100 emulator
HOMER        - Simpsons-themed tamagotchi
HUGO         - HUGO interactive fiction interpreter
HUGS         - Mini-Prolog processor
HVAC5        - Building and architectural utilities
IDLOVE2      - Novelty excuses generator
IP100        - IP address calculator?
JPE          - Java Psion Editor
JTELNET      - Telnet client
JTVALUTA5EN  - Currency calculator
LEVEL9       - Level 9 interactive fiction interpreter
LINE         - 'Useless' screen saver
LIST11       - Psi-List utility
LOCATE5      - Locator utility (radio-related)
LOGBOOK_SIS  - Amateur radio logbook (english/french)
LOGITDEMO    - Demo of commercial LogIt time logging software
LOTTO5       - Lottery checker
M5_100       - Murphy's Law quote-on-turn-on
MAGNETIC     - Magnetic Scrolls interactive fiction interpreter
MAKEDOC_EPOC - Port of the popular 'DOC' etext creator
MAKOIMAP     - IMAP email module for the Revo-clone, the Diamond Mako. Should work on Psion palmtops too.
MAKEOVER     - Command line tool for converting EnRoute (Route Planner) overlays to text and vice versa
MANDEL       - Fractal viewer
MCUPDATE11   - Mobile COnnectivity Update for Series 5mx (specific mobile phones)
MEGG32       - Tamagotchi clone (use at own risk!)
MICROPWR     - Test your microwave with this handy calculator
MINDTOOLSDEMO - Demo of Widget Software's MindTools
MINTELS5     - Minitel terminal
MJ32         - Mah Jong game
MM3          - Millenium novelty
MMMSTICK     - MMM stick-it note desktop
MONEY        - Demo version of Palmtop BV Money
MONEY14      - v1.4 upgrade for Palmtop BV Money (commercial)
MONTANA5     - Montana card patience
MOVIE11      - Halliwell's movie guide 1.1 upgrade patch (commercial)
MOVIE_DEMO   - Halliwell's movie guide demo version
NARCIS2      - Numerology application
NC2PSI5      - Netscape calendar to Psion 5 convertor
NETBOOK_ROM  - Latest netBook ROM image from Psion Teklogix web site. Use this if your CF disk goes missing!
NEVER        - Good advice on life (database)
NEWTEST      - New Testament in World English Bible version
NEWTKEMU     - Newton Keyboard emulator (control Newton, PalmPilot etc) through serial port
NOKIA        - Acrobat file detailing S5 to Nokia 8810 comms
NP2AGN       - Notepad Deluxe plug-in for extracting entries to AGENDA
NPMOVE       - Notepad Deluxe plug-in for moving notes etc.
NPR3UPDATE   - Release 3 update to the commercial NotePad Deluxe
OLDTEST1     - Old Testament (part 1) in World English Bible version
OLDTEST2     - Old Testament (part 2) in World English Bible version
OPTIONCALCULATOR - Financial Option calculator
ORANGE       - Orange SMS automator
ORG56        - Plug-in synchronizer for PsiWin 2.3 and above which provides synchronization
               for Lotus Organizer 5.0/6.0 Calendar and Address Book. 
PAD          - Quick jotter utility
PAGENUMBER   - Text to SMS number convertor
PATHWAY      - traces Internet path from your palmtop to a 'net site
PDHARDENS    - Demo version of Hardens London Restaurant guide
PENDULE      - Chess Clock
PITCH        - Record app pitch-shifting plug in
PLP_1_4.TAR  - Unix to Psion link utility
PP_502       - Am Radio packet terminal
PRINTHRU     - DOS PrinThru utility - serial port access for Psion to PC printer
PRT_THRU     - Psion 5 to Atari ST printing utility
PS48V200     - Psion emulation of HP48 calculator
PSAMEGAME    - Logic game?
PSICAM09B    - S5 to Olympus Camedia controller
PSIFS        - Acorn connectivity package
PSIGAR5      - Beta of Psion-Garmin GPS utility
PSIMX02      - Fuji digital camera utility
PSINOWEB     - Text pre-processing utility
PSIONJVM     - In case it's not on your Psion CD, here's the EPOC Java Virtual Machine, for running Java apps
PSIONMOTORING  - Motoring Expense manager
PSIONTHEME   - Windows 95 Psion 5 desktop 'theme'
PSKETCH      - Sketch convertor plug-in for Photo5
PWSECPATCH   - Extra patch for the paranoid
QVREMOTE     - Control a Casio QV series camera via a serial cable
QWERTZ	      - Emulator utility to aid people with 'QWERTZ' keyboards
RADCALC      - Radar s/n ratio calculations
READER       - Utility for use with Siemens Pocket Reader
REAL5        - Realtime utilities
RESCODES     - Resistor colour decoder
ROUTE13      - v1.3 upgrade for Palmtop BV RoutePlanner
ROUTE211     - v2.11 upgrade for Palmtop BV RoutePlanner Millennium edition
RPDEMO       - Rolling demo of Route Planner
RSCL2        - Relationship 'calculator'
RUNLOG       - Runners log book template
S5BIOBAS     - Biorhythms utility
S5CRIB11     - Cribbage game
S5FNWORD     - FoneWord US/Canada phone code lookups
S5-PSSST     - Novelty sound app
S5-TMAKE     - PsiJong tile-making kit
S5TIE        - Number-matching strategy game
SBUTILS      - Miscellaneous utilities
SCOMMS       - Symbian IrDA update
SFT          - Screenplay-writer's templates
SH5_20       - Shell5 (Unix/DOS hybrid command line)
SILAN100     - Undocumented encryption tool to hide info inside sound files
SKEW         - Plug-in for Photo5
SOKOBAN      - Puzzle game
SOLARMAP     - Large Daylight world map
SOLARIZE     - SOlarizing plug-in for Photo5
SPDEMO       - Rolling slideshow demo for Street Planner
SPKCL200     - Speaking Clock utility
SPOON        - Spoon spender call-coster
ST140        - StreetPlanner '99 v1.4 upgrade
SYSNAV54     - Astronomical/coast navigator
T5IMG        - Utility to display PalmPilot image files
T5MDB        - Utility to read in PalmPilot database files
TABACKUP     - scriptable backup utility
TADS         - TADS interactive fiction interpreter
TB.ARC       - Archimedes utility to ??
TCFP         - Archimedes RISC OS file utility suite
TCR          - Atari program and C source code for TCR format compressed text file compressor and decompressor
TEXTTV       - Plug in for Photo5
THAIWRITER   - Thai word processor
TICKLE       - List-making and checking tool
TIMECAL5     - Timecode calculator
TIMEKEEPER   - Synchronizing time with Internet clocks
TIMEVOC5     - Speaking clock at night
TODAY        - Opens AGENDA once a day
TOOLBOX      - Utility toolbox plugin for Notepad Deluxe
TRANSEND     - Atari-S5 comms utility
TRIPCALC     - Aviator's trip calculator
UHF          - UHF free channel finder
UKS5         - UK Sights database
UKLOTCHK102  - Lottery checking spreadsheet
UPGRADER     - Latest Palmtop BV upgrade advisor utility
VFRNAV30     - Pilot's VFR navigation utilities
VOCABTUTOR   - Vocabulary tester
VPM          - Virtual graphics pad - control a PC GUI using the Series 5 touch screen
VPMPC        - PC server for VPM above
WEB23        - Upgrade provides InSync Pro with additional support for Notes R5 and 
               Email and Contact Manager synchronization, when used in conjunction
               with PsiWin 2.3 and a Psion Series 5mx, Revo or Series 7.
WEBBIBLE     - World English Bible (public domain translation) in WORD format
WEBW5        - Web World game
WEEKLIST     - Simple week planner
WINDCALC     - Aviator's wind calculator
YACAS        - Yet Another Computer Algebra System
YARTSIE      - Crippled Yahtzee game
ZILE         - Emacs editor clone

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