The text list below shows what's available in the folder on the CD in this category.
Minimise this browser window when ready and then use PsiWin/Explorer or PsiMac to browse the folder structure of the CD and copy the program files onto your palmtop. Note that Windows may set all files taken from this CD to 'read-only'. If this causes a problem for you or for a particular program, just use the "Properties" command to remove this attribute.
Money-related programs 5ACCOUNT 04/06/01 5Account bank account manager 5XPN39S 02/05/98 Expenses manager ABP 02/09/02 Excellent freeware bank account and investments manager ABPEURO 02/09/02 Euro converter for ABP (see above) data ADVDEMO5 30/05/99 Financial Advisor utility BANK 23/06/99 Another shareware bank account manager BANKPLUS 15/11/99 BankPlus bank account manager BANKREVO 15/11/99 BankPlus bank account manager (Revo version) BANKTRAN 21/07/97 Translator for S3aBank account files to move to S5Bank etc CASHCALC 03/11/97 Income and loan calculator CODECHECK 02/09/02 Credit-card and VAT code check-summing tool COMPANYACCOUNTING 09/09/00 Invoice and account manager for small companies CURRENCY_EXCHANGE 22/11/99 Currency calculator DCLFUEL 20/01/00 Fuel monitoring program DP5BANKE 10/12/97 DP Bank (english version) bank acct manager EASYBANK 29/02/00 EasyBank spreadsheet solution EASYXPNS 22/11/99 EasyExpense spreadsheet solution for expenses EUROCALC3110 23/06/99 Euro-calculator FINANCE 31/07/98 Financial calculator addon to ConvertPro FINCALC5 20/01/00 Financial Calculator FUELTRAN 20/10/97 Translator for S3aFuel account files to move to S5Fuel etc HOMEBANK 20/01/00 HomeBank budget analysis and accounts suite JABP 04/01/04 Java-based Banking program, also runs on other handhelds LOTTOWIZ 07/02/01 Gambling management system (e.g. lottery) MONEY12 31/07/98 Palmtop BV Money v1.2 upgrade patch MONEY1401D 11/03/99 Palmtop BV demo version of Money MONEYBAG 18/10/01 Bank account manager MONNAIE 16/04/01 Currency convertor MONNAIEGER 16/04/01 Currency convertor (german version) MOTORINGEXPENSE 20/03/03 Psion Motoring Expenses Manager MYCARS5UK 02/01/98 MyCar vehicle expenses manager OPTIONAPP 07/02/01 OptionApp calculates Put and Call and Binomials for share dividends POCKETBANK 20/01/00 Bank account manager, 5/5mx version POCKETBANK_REVO 20/01/00 Bank account manager, Revo version PORFOLIO 22/08/01 Porfolio stock/share tracking PORFOLIOFRA 22/08/01 Porfolio stock/share tracking (french version) PORFOLIOGER 06/04/01 Porfolio stock/share tracking (german version) PORFOLIOITA 30/05/00 Porfolio stock/share tracking (italian version) PSIBANK5 25/05/98 Psi-Bank freeware bank account manager PSIBANK5DE 25/05/98 Psi-Bank freeware bank account manager - German version PSIBANK5NL 25/05/98 Psi-Bank freeware bank account manager - Netherlands version PSISHOP 22/08/01 Suite for the small business or shop QUIKCALC 17/11/97 S5 front-end for Quicken on the PC RMRBANK 16/04/01 Complete home finance suite. Bank accounts to expenses to stocks and shares etc. Multiple languages supported. RMRCAR 09/09/00 Company Car Manager RMREURO 02/09/02 Euro-converter for all other RMR financial programs - convert all your data! RMREXPENSE 16/04/01 Expenses manager RMRFUEL 02/09/02 Fuel economy analysis package RMRHOME 20/01/00 Home Inventory system RMRINVEST 09/09/00 Stocks and shares tracker RMRWAGES 18/10/01 Payslip database and analyser RPI21 19/08/98 Retail-Price-Index calculator TAX99 12/11/99 UK-specific self-employed tax calculations TPEN 30/05/00 Trip+ expenses and motoring manager TVM10 16/09/98 Time Value of Money loan calculator VATCALC 27/07/00 Add or subtract VAT WAGES 20/01/00 Wage calculator/checker XCHG11 08/09/97 Currency convertor XPEN 22/08/01 General expenses suite
Note: some program authors included folder information within their ZIP files, we've used this where available for your extra convenience in working out which file goes where... Note also that some programs use the Windows 95/Mac/Series 5 'long' filenames...