The text list below shows what's available in the folder on the CD in this category.
Minimise this browser window when ready and then use PsiWin/Explorer or PsiMac to browse the folder structure of the CD and copy the program files onto your palmtop. Note that Windows may set all files taken from this CD to 'read-only'. If this causes a problem for you or for a particular program, just use the "Properties" command to remove this attribute.
Mapping and navigation applications 5METRO12 10/04/98 Metro routefinder (Paris, in french) AROVS597 18/08/97 Amateur Radio overlays for Psi-Mapper/GB C5METRO20-1 31/07/98 French-language Paris public transport route-finder (part 1) C5METRO20-2 31/07/98 French-language Paris public transport route-finder (part 2) CMETRO12GB 31/07/98 English-language (earlier) version of CMetro app above CODRIVER 29/02/00 Talking GPS addon for commercial Route Planner & StreetPlanner CODRIVERGER 21/05/99 Talking GPS addon for commercial Route Planner (german version) COMPASS 07/02/01 Sun-alignment compass utility GARPSI5 30/05/99 Garmin GPS to Psion connection suite (english and french) GEO201 07/09/98 GeoDIS mapping system with basic maps of Switzerland and other countries GPSCLIP 14/06/03 Places NMEA info from a GPS onto the EPOC clipboard LOCATIONS 01/06/04 Locations coordinate tranformer (LAT/LONG/OS GRID, etc.) M5LOGGER 28/11/97 Business/Personal milage log MAP5GB61 30/05/99 Psi-Mapper/GB mapping system for Great Britain. Towns, roads, overlays, codes etc. MAP5IR22 30/05/99 Psi-Mapper/Ireland mapping system MAP5LO31 30/05/99 Psi-Mapper/London mapping system for Greater London. Places, roads, overlays. PSITREX 02/09/02 PsiTrex: Psion-eTrex GPS integration RADINFO 17/09/97 Radio stations/transmitters & tourist info centres across Psi-Mapper/GB REALMAPS 10/10/03 Mapping/GPS utility, overlaying position on scanned-in maps (includes WINS 'emulator' version) RM-CHAN 09/11/98 Sample map for use with RealMaps above S5ANCIEN 17/09/97 Prehistoric and ancient overlays for Psi-Mapper/GB TUBEROUTE 28/04/05 Tube route-finding system VWATLAS 02/09/02 vwAtlas world mapping system, with GPS support
Note: some program authors included folder information within their ZIP files, we've used this where available for your extra convenience in working out which file goes where... Note also that some programs use the Windows 95/Mac/Series 5 'long' filenames...