3-Lib library

\Library\EPOCgraphics - EPOC graphics-related items

The text list below shows what's available in the folder on the CD in this category.

Minimise this browser window when ready and then use PsiWin/Explorer or PsiMac to browse the folder structure of the CD and copy the program files onto your palmtop. Note that Windows may set all files taken from this CD to 'read-only'. If this causes a problem for you or for a particular program, just use the "Properties" command to remove this attribute.

Graphics applications
5FX           04/06/01 MBM viewer/slide-show suite
CADMX         18/10/01 Technical drawing application, some CAD functions
CLIP5ART      23/07/97 Sketch format graphic library
COLOURICONS   28/04/05 Replacement System screen icons for hundreds of applications, designed for the colour screen of the Series 7/netBook
DANCER        25/09/97 Risque dancer animation
D5V125        10/08/98 Demarco Diagramming tool
DOODLER3      23/06/99 Jotter/doodler utility
DRAW5         30/05/99 Vector drawing application
EASYMBM       11/03/99 MBM graphics viewer and utilities
GRAPH32       02/09/02 Graph/equation plotting system
GRAPHER       16/08/98 Graph function plotter/integrator
IMAGING       07/01/04 Freeware picture/JPG viewer, intended as replacement for MBMView. Includes plug-ins.
IRPHOTOCLIP   14/06/03 Infrared transfer of digital camera photos to the EPOC clipboard
MBMUTILS      27/07/00 MBMUtils utilities
MBMVIEW       29/09/04 EPOC Picture/Sketch/GIF/JPG viewer/manipulator, comes with free registration code
PALETTE       10/10/03 Floating 256 colour aid to enhance the built-in Sketch application
PENPAD        23/06/99 Pen-based jotter/notepad
PHOTO5V31     22/08/98 Photo manipulation package
PHOTOBEAMER   14/06/03 Another infrared camera-to-Psion utility from the author of IrPhotoClip
PICSEE        22/09/97 Picture/animation viewer
RMRART        18/10/01 Painting and image manipulation program
RMRDRAW       27/06/00 RMR version of the vector drawing application
SCRIBBLE      09/09/00 Graphical jotter/notepad
SKETCH        27/09/00 Sketch, compiled down for the Psion Revo
V4_DRAW       08/01/99 Example CAD files for use with P5CAD

Note: some program authors included folder information within their ZIP files, we've used this where available for your extra convenience in working out which file goes where... Note also that some programs use the Windows 95/Mac/Series 5 'long' filenames...

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